Delivery & Returns

Delivery & Returns

Order Confirmation

When you place an order, we’ll pre-authorise your card, but don’t worry, it won’t be charged right away. First, we’ll check with our supplier to make sure the item is ready to ship. Once it’s confirmed, we’ll process your payment and get your order on its way immediately. If there’s any delay, like an item being on backorder, we’ll cancel the pre-authorisation and let you know so you are fully in the loop for all your purchases.

Order Delivery

After your order is placed and stock is confirmed as ready for dispatch, your card will be charged, and we’ll ship your order within 5 working days. You’ll receive tracking details via email within 24 hours of dispatch. If you haven’t received your tracking information after 6 working days, feel free to contact us at, and we’ll be happy to assist you.


We recommend that you carefully check all items upon delivery. If you notice any damage, we advise against accepting the delivery. Should you find any damaged items, please email clear photos of the damage to, and we’ll initiate an insurance claim for you.

Cancellations & Refunds

If you need to cancel an order more than 48 hours after it was placed, additional fees may apply. If the order has already been dispatched, you, as the buyer, will be responsible for any return shipping costs. Refunds will only be processed back to the original payment method used when placing the order.